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NORALP: General Conditions of Sale for Training and/or Professional Certification and General Conditions for Access to Conferences and Webinars organised by NORALP (hereinafter the "Conditions")


These Terms are available on the NORALP website. They may be modified at any time by NORALP without notice. The version published on the NORALP website is applicable.


The sale and / or registration is constituted by:


The submission of a registration form; or

The signature of a quotation; or

The payment of a training course; or

Payment for certification; or

Any other explicit act resulting in a sale or registration.

Sales and registrations are subject to the Conditions that the purchaser accepts.


The seller of the training and/or certification and/or the organiser of the conference and/or webinar (hereafter "NORALP")


NORALP offers Consulting, Training and Support services. NORALP is a SAS (simplified joint stock company) registered in Paris RCS Paris B 899 521 694 with a share capital of ten thousand euros, having its registered office at 58-60 rue de Douai - 75009 Paris.


NORALP is a training provider registered under the number 11756269375. (This registration does not imply government approval).


NORALP has been approved since 1 February 2022 by the AMF under number FD - 5 to administer the "AMF Sustainable Finance exam" pursuant to articles 312 - 5, 318 - 9, 321 - 39 and 325 - 26 of the AMF General Regulation.


These conditions cover the Training Courses, certifications, conferences and webinars (hereinafter the "Training Course(s)").


The Training(s) are described on the NORALP website, in the quotation or in the NORALP training catalogue as well as any specific training tailored to meet the specific needs of a client. The catalogue of these Training Courses is available online on its website


The purchaser of the Training (hereafter the "Customer").


The Buyer, a legal or natural person who purchases a Training, including when the cost of the training is offered by NORALP and this cost is 0 Euros.


The Learner registered for training and/or certification (hereinafter the "Learner" or the "Candidate").


The Learner may be the Customer, or an employee or associate of the Customer. The Customer ensures that the Learner complies with the Conditions, which then apply to both the Customer and the Learner.


The Conditions may be supplemented by special conditions attached to a specific offer.


1. Taking a course and certification


To enrol, the customer uses the enrolment form on Payment validates registration. The registration request will only be taken into account 48 working hours after receipt of payment. NORALP reserves the right to refuse a registration without having to provide justification, any payments received will be refunded by NORALP to the Customer.


The Customer may also contact NORALP directly using the contact form on the page, specifying the purpose of his request. Registration will only be effective once the Customer and NORALP have formally agreed on the content, price and terms and conditions of the training, service or provision.


In certain cases, a minimum and maximum number of Learners may be defined by NORALP.


As soon as the registration is validated, the Customer will receive a file consisting of the invitation to the Training session and the practical information related to the Training purchased.


NORALP chooses the Training venue, the trainers, the pedagogical methods and tools. NORALP determines the form and content of the pedagogical tools.


NORALP can provide the Learner with specific training spaces hosted by NORALP through third parties.


The duration of the Training varies according to the modules chosen by the Customer. When the duration is expressed as a day, this represents seven hours. Half a day represents three and a half hours.


Unless expressly and formally agreed otherwise, Certification Training courses must be completed within four months of the Customer sending a registration form.


In order to maintain the quality of the course, the Customer must respect the number of Learners stipulated at the time of enrolment. When conditions allow, additional Learners may be added after explicit and formal acceptance by NORALP. In this case, the Customer undertakes to pay any additional costs.


2. Pricing


Prices are indicated in euros. Where they are exclusive of tax, the VAT in force applies. The price of the Training appears in the NORALP catalogue or on the Proposal sent to the customer.


Training prices are net and only cover training costs and, where applicable, certification costs. For face-to-face training, refreshments are offered by NORALP.


Invoices are payable on receipt or, where applicable, according to the terms indicated in the registration form or proposal/quotation.


Penalties are automatically applied to late payments without prior notice. They are equal to twice the legal interest rate in force on the date of issue of the invoice, as well as a fixed indemnity for collection costs of fifty Euros. Any subsequent payment, whatever the cause, will be charged immediately and by priority to the extinction of the oldest debt.


NORALP may refuse any new order and / or suspend the performance of its own obligations until full payment of the invoice. In the event that a Training course is paid for by a skills provider or a third party organisation, the Customer or the Learner will take care of the necessary canvassing for payment before the start of the Training course. They must ensure that this request is properly completed and that payment for the service is made to NORALP. In the event of non-payment by the organisation, the Customer must pay NORALP the full amount agreed. In case of partial payment, the remainder will be due by the Customer.


In case of subrogation of payment by a third party, NORALP will send the invoice to the third party.


In case of deferred payment, NORALP will request a deposit from the Customer of at least 50% of the total amount of the Training, the service or the service.


3. Modalities: Training can be face-to-face, online or hybrid.


Face-to-face Training can be carried out on the Customer's premises, NORALP's premises or a third party's premises.


On-line training can be (1) virtual classes led by NORALP and followed remotely by the Learner or (2) e-learning allowing the Learner to learn from the tools made available to him/her in a dedicated space.


Hybrid training enables the Learner to attend the Training Course either face-to-face or online. The Learner may choose to attend either online or in person. When the Learner wants to change mode during the course, he/she informs NORALP who will implement reasonable means to satisfy his/her request. Charges may apply. If NORALP is unable to meet the request, the Learner will continue in the mode initially chosen.


4. Sound and image


For the training


The sound and/or image of the learning rooms (virtual, face-to-face and / or hybrid) may be recorded, stored and published by NORALP for the purposes of retransmission, revision for the Learners, creation of new teaching aids, verification of the quality of the intervention, or promotion of NORALP's activities.






For the examination


The sound, image and screen (computer, tablet, etc.) of the virtual examination rooms are recorded and kept by NORALP for the purposes of checking that the examination is being conducted correctly and validating the certification. The aim is to detect and prevent fraud.


To this end, candidates must take the exam on a computer, tablet, etc. ... :


equipped with a camera and microphone, which must remain switched on throughout the examination; and


on which is installed the "smowlock" module or any other equivalent supervision software accepted by NORALP.


Once the exam has been validated, these elements are deleted by NORALP.




5. Examination rules and regulations


Learners must comply with the rules and regulations available on the NORALP website. NORALP will exclude without compensation any Learner who interferes with the smooth running of the Training and/or seriously breaches the applicable rules.


The rules of the examination must be read and respected by the Learner who undertakes to abide by them by the fact of his/her enrolment. NORALP reserves the right, without any compensation, to exclude a Learner who does not comply with the said rules, or to refuse to certify him/her if the certification candidate does not activate or deactivate the exam monitoring tools. NORALP will refuse the certification of any candidate who does not respect the conditions of an exam certifying his/her knowledge, for example by being assisted by a third party during the exam.


NORALP will make every effort to provide clear, up-to-date and complete documentation and materials to the Learner. If, despite this, one or more documents are missing, incomplete or inaccurate, the Learner is invited to contact NORALP who will use reasonable means to complete or correct the elements mentioned. The Customer and / or the Learner acknowledge and accept that this documentation and these materials do not engage the responsibility of NORALP.


NORALP will send to the Customer, by email, the documents relating to the Training received and the exam passed. In certain cases prescribed by the regulations in force, the Customer and / or the Learner will have to send to NORALP, beforehand, additional identification elements and / or a satisfaction questionnaire.


6. Modifications to training or certification


NORALP, the Client, the Learner and the Candidate undertake to respect the planned programme on the dates and at the times requested and agreed. Each acting in good faith will implement reasonable means to adapt to requests for modification received.


Modifications requested by the Client, the Learner and/or the Candidate, must be submitted to NORALP by email and confirmed by telephone.


For requests for cancellation or postponement submitted less than ten working days before the scheduled date of the service, 50% of the scheduled amount may be retained by NORALP or added to the final invoice.


For requests for cancellation or postponement submitted less than five working days before the date scheduled for the service, 100% of the scheduled amount may be retained by NORALP or added to the final invoice.


For training courses only, NORALP accepts that one Learner may substitute for another. To do this, NORALP must be informed by e-mail and confirmed by telephone at least seven working days before the start of the Training. The request must contain the elements necessary for the registration of the new Learner.




In certain exceptional situations, NORALP may have to postpone or cancel a training or certification session. These situations may be related to (1) the absence of a trainer, a supervisor, the planned speaker; (2) the insufficient or too high number of Learners; or (3) cases which, without being cases of force majeure, do not depend on NORALP. These cases are for example the strike of a third party, the unavailability of a pedagogical tool prepared by a third party or the unavailability of the means (technical, human, ...) necessary for the training and/or certification made available to NORALP by a third party. Finally, in cases of force majeure, as defined by the French Civil Code, NORALP may cancel and/or postpone a Training Course without incurring any liability.


In such circumstances, NORALP will use reasonable means to ensure the resumption and/or continuity of the Training and/or certification. If NORALP is unable to find a reasonable solution, NORALP will approach the Customer, the Learner and/or the Candidate, in order to reschedule with them the Training and/or certification activity.


Finally, NORALP may cancel, cancel and/or postpone all or part of a Training or certification activity at any time. In case of cancellation or postponement, NORALP will reimburse to the Customer the full amount paid to NORALP by the Customer for the impacted event, to the exclusion of any other costs.


7. Responsibility of NORALP and claims


The Training courses offered in the Training catalogue are in conformity with the description made of them. NORALP uses reasonable means to offer training courses that meet the requests received. When the Customer is not satisfied with the Training he has received, he can notify NORALP by email of the elements of dissatisfaction, and specify if necessary the elements that support the non-conformity of the Training received compared to the Training purchased.


It being understood that: (1) the Customer remains responsible for consulting the NORALP training catalogue and for the choice of the training courses and certifications he purchases; (2) the Customer is responsible for paying for the training course and/or certification he has purchased; (3) no intervention by NORALP represents advice on the adequacy between the Training provided by NORALP and the training objectives of the Customer. In case of substantial error by the Customer on the characteristics of a Training and/or the conditions of the sale by the Customer, he is invited to contact NORALP immediately specifying the elements he would like to see adapted. NORALP may, but is not obliged to, make an adapted offer.


The responsibility of NORALP is engaged only in case of gross negligence. The responsibility of NORALP will not be engaged by the indirect loss, of any nature whatsoever, suffered by the customer. For example, NORALP will never be liable for loss of opportunity, customers, results, operations, commercial loss or loss of data.


In any case, when NORALP's liability is engaged, the total amount of NORALP's liability is limited to the amount paid by the customer for the training and/or certification concerned.


Requests for information and/or complaints must be made by email to NORALP who will endeavour to answer any question as soon as possible. Computer networks and antivirus, antispam, ... can block the sending and / or receipt of an email. Thus, an email sent to NORALP is considered received by NORALP only when NORALP has not formally responded to this email. If NORALP does not reply to your email, please send a registered letter to NORALP's address.


8. Intellectual Property Rights


Learners and Candidates receive from NORALP training and/or practice materials. These materials are the property of NORALP. They may not, in any way whatsoever, be the subject, even partially, of reproduction, loan, exchange or transfer. Whatever the means or medium, any modification, adaptation, arrangement or transformation must be subject to the prior, explicit and formal agreement of NORALP.


The Learner and/or the Candidate have a personal right to use the training and/or coaching materials received. They agree not to use these materials for any purpose other than their personal training and/or their personal preparation for the exam.


For online training and certification, the right of use is non-exclusive and personal, for the duration of the planned use. This right of use runs, for a limited time, from the date of sending of the individual and personal identifiers sent by NORALP to the Learner and/or the Candidate.


The Customer, the Learner and/or the Candidate undertakes to treat as strictly confidential any information, document, data or concept of which he has become aware in the context of the services sold by NORALP, including offers and pricing conditions.


The Customer authorises NORALP to use its corporate name, trade name and/or brand as a commercial reference without prior authorisation.


9. Processing of personal data


NORALP, acting as data controller, processes the personal data of the Customer, the Learner and the Candidate. This data is processed electronically in accordance with the purpose of the processing described in the Confidentiality and Personal Data Processing Policy, available on the NORALP website. Personal data is kept for the time necessary to fulfil these purposes. This data may be communicated to our partners, to the regulator, as well as to the companies of the NORALP group.


The Customer, the Learner and the Candidate have the right to access, rectify, delete and port their data, as well as the right to object to the processing. In the latter case, all communication with the applicant will cease, with the exception of communications required to manage their account.


When it is the Customer who compiles and transmits to NORALP personal data relating to Learners and Candidates, the Customer is the Data Controller and NORALP the Data Processor.


In this case NORALP undertakes to process the data received in accordance with the formal instructions of the Customer for the sole purpose of providing the Service or the service purchased.


At the request of the Customer, NORALP will provide the documentation necessary to demonstrate compliance with its obligations.


NORALP will notify the Customer, the Learner and the Candidate of any Data breach as soon as possible after becoming aware of it.


The name and contact details of NORALP's DPO are indicated in the Privacy Policy.


10. Comments and opinions of our teachers and lecturers


The comments and opinions expressed by our teachers and speakers during our training sessions, conferences and / or webinars do not necessarily reflect the official position of NORALP. They are expressed in a personal capacity and with respect for freedom of expression and pluralism of ideas. NORALP cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions or inaccuracies contained in these comments and opinions. NORALP reserves the right to moderate or delete any comment or opinion that is contrary to its values, its ethics or the legislation in force.


11. Advice and recommendations


The training courses, conferences and/or webinars offered by NORALP are intended to transmit knowledge and skills in the areas covered by our programmes. They do not constitute advice or personalised recommendations to participants or their organisations. Participants are solely responsible for the use they make of the information and tools presented during our training courses, conferences and webinars. NORALP declines all responsibility for the consequences that may result from the application or non-application of the opinions and/or comments that may be formulated by our trainers and speakers.


12. General provisions


If any clause of these Conditions is declared null and void, it shall be deemed unwritten. The Conditions will continue to apply as well as the commitments of the parties between them.


NORALP may subcontract all or part of the performance of the services sold. The obligations arising from the sale remain between the Customer and NORALP.


Each party carries out its activities independently. The sale does not create any relationship of subordination or partnership between the parties.


No action will be possible against NORALP whatever its nature or its basis, more than one year after the occurrence of its generating event. 


Computer networks and antivirus, antispam, ... can block the sending and / or receipt of an email. Thus, an email sent to NORALP is considered received by NORALP only when NORALP has formally responded to that email. If NORALP does not reply to your email, please send a registered letter to NORALP's address.


These Terms are governed by French law. Any dispute relating to its performance or interpretation will be the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of Ontario Canada.

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